Here is your Wednesday STORY on:
Children see that telling a lie is a shortcut to freedom.
This advances into in adulthood! Generally speaking when a lie is told we have to cover for the lie. This may not be immediately but during the next 24 hours we need to explain the lie once more and then perhaps tell a few more lies to cover the original one up.
Okay I may exaggerate, but the purpose of such exaggeration is to illustrate the point that telling a lie is more exhausting that telling the truth.
Imagine if the very last thing your family needed was for you to be ill. Then that very morning your feeling of strength was being drained by an illness; but to keep the family in a good sense of emotion you chose to hide the illness and pretend it wasn’t there.
You are not telling lies to your family only yourself. If you don’t admit to your illness the medication can’t cure it and the likelihood of the illness developing into something more serious is imminent.
Few people see how often they lie to themselves as they prefer not to imagine the consequences that the truth may bring. What comes to mind in such circumstances is the saying – “A stitch in time saves nine.”
Your family would much better see you at full strength following a bout of flu or sickness than a below par contributor.
The truth will eventually come through in any crisis; avoid such consequences by speaking the truth at the start.
One day, the wise King Solomon was approached by two women arguing over a baby. Each claimed the child was hers. Unable to judge, King Solomon thought up a plan - he offered to cut the baby in half, giving half to the one and half to the other.
The first women agreed with the King: "Let the baby be neither mine nor hers, but divide it. If I can't have the child", she cried, "she can't have it either". The second women pleaded with Solomon not to hurt the child. "Give her the baby. I'd rather lose the child that see it slain".
Solomon knew immediately that this was the rightful mother. He returned the baby to her.
(Unknown Author)
QUOTE: “In times of stress and adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plough your anger and your energy into something quite positive.” (Lee Iacocca)
Wisdom and Philosophy
How to be Happy